Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our System of Education - Need changes..?!

Hundreds of Universities, millions of educational institutions, more than a billion people..!

Millions of graduates from all fields of engineering..

Long years of education, training.. Thousands of hours from millions of brains spent on various subjects. Billions of rupees spent for fees, books, uniform.... for many years. Too many ranks, A+ Certificates.....!


After years of education, when we apply for a job..

Most of us fails.. what are the reasons..?

Lack of work experience, Lack of confidence, Lack of....

Now adays education is started from the very early ages. Even for the babies in 3 to 4 years of ages..! We force them to start learn.. In the ages of fun and play, atleast many of them are forced to learn..!

Its not only a fault from the parents. If they are not finished Kinder gartens.., they might face problems for admission in Schools to the first standard. Normal 'donation' will not work..!

When we start learnig in a School, we practice to wake up on pre-decided time, take bath, have breakfast, get tiffin, prepare heavy school bag, wait for school bus. The hours in school! it differs according each one's luck..!

After hours of 'learning' we come back  home tired, near to night..! Then again bath, tution( Tution is became a compulsary part of the student life. Because, most of the teachers teach their students at tution time only - This is their part of business ), learning and preparing assignments (The poor children learn mainly from their self efforts. there are many reasons. Main two of them, 1. The teacher is not well awair of the subject. 2. The teacher is lazy and teaches well on tution classes only.), and finally sleep. Next day is the same...

After years of hard work we get SSC/ or other Certification. Then running for the next admission. With and without donation..

Then Degree, Master Degree...!

After years of continues effort, Thousands of money and a main part of the life time and brain spent, When we approach an interview or a job test, our candidates fail due to lack of working experience...!

If the candidate have atleast one year experienc...! they might be eligilble..!

So what is the important education..? for a job and for developing out country?

We need that one year's knowledge.! The other 17 /18/19 years of education is not good enough.

We must realize, that we are wasting our time and money for nothing. we must realize what is our main objective.. We need to learn languages. we must learn science. but not each and every aspect of all the historic events in science and other field. Not everything in mathematics.

How many of us know / remember every theories that we have learned..? How many of us utilize the formula's we learned in our school life...! Its the same if we think of other fields / subjects of study..!

We are actually part of a big trap or we are in trap. Education is a big industry. The industry only thing to increase business. They are researching for the new sylabus for the next year. If new books are not ready for the next year, business will be less. many students will adjust with the old books from senior students. So syllabus is updated every possible year...!

Our life time is small. What we can do in a lifetime also small. So we have to design an education system which is suitable for us. We have to choose subjects familier to our charector and ability.

We have reconstruct the basic education system. Reduce the number of years and length of syllabus. Let children have the basics which are very needful in our daily life and then specialize in a subject which is suitable for his abilities.. And we have to give that one years experience(through on the job training...etc) in that time...!!

This will make the children happy and they will get more time to utilize their time for their favorite subject. They will excel in that and become a skilled citizen.

This in trun reduce the effort of parents, teachers, and children and reduce waste of time, money and reduce useless knowledge and disasters in life..! This will increase the productivity and income of citizens and increase employment.