Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What is reason for life in earth


Shijith Mc

What is reason for life in earth I have gone throught some religious text but not able to give satisfactory answer , Even Evolution does't answer whats the purpose of lifelLike · · Stop Notifications · 5 hours ago

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Faizan Shah jus like in xamination hall u r giving an xam n then u will wait fr result...same is the case in islam...the world is xamination hall n u r being analyzed n tested by God n ur good deeds r ur positive points...the reward is heaven or hell
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Wise Bengol Reason is the Will of Allah the creator. Our objective is to satisfy the creator praising (ibadah worship) Him alone.
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shahidabbas Khan Now satisfied....shijith..........hope so...
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc I don't think a powerful person has to create a world to show his powers, If he did he could have made everyone good.
5 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc No...
5 hours ago · Like

Shahidabbas Khan Bro shijith ..when a father slaps his child,does that mean father shows beter
5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Faizan Shah God didnt created world to show his powers...he is great without us also...there was other motive to create humans...the motive was to check who will keep love of god in his hearts n who will disobey him...
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Abdullah Sarguroh Bro this life is a test for hereafter.. Go through Quran Insha Allah you will know the truth.
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah Shijith Mc - if you get a logical answer, would you accept Islam?
5 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc ultimately he is testing his own creation, That does't make sense. People has lived here even before religions came into existence. I will accept any logical answer religion does't matter.
5 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah Lets say I give you a logical answer... then what? Would you accept Islam or not?
5 hours ago · Like

Faizan Shah God created adam...the ist human being...u think ppl lived here before God???absolutely no..
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc Why should accept I'm just seeking purpose of creation of life on earth.
5 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah LOL see... you are seeking PURPOSE of life but you don't know the PURPOSE OF knowing the answer to it...... Are you logical in the first place?
5 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc These are not logical answers... Need something scientific evidence to support it...
5 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah I am telling you that In sha Allah I will give you a logical answer which you won't be able to deny it.... but you indicated that you don't know the purpose of knowing the answer..... you want a logical answer but you don't want to be logical in the first place....
5 hours ago · Like · 1

Abdullah Sarguroh Yes It's hard to believe in unseen things.. We see the sky the sun the moon, hence we know they exist.. All those things working on their own power?? There must be a Creator of all these magnificient things!! So you will find logic, science in Quran as well as signs of the Creator in Quran.. READ
5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Shijith Mc A God created life on earth there would be life in other planets too.Every one are praying to one God in different ways. If there is creator why he can't help people from suffering or he alone could have ruled the world. Not only unseen things, Some cases its difficult to prove what we see is true or not.
5 hours ago · Like · 1

UthmanGani Abdullah I would request my fellow Muslim brothers to not waste time on somebody who is here without a purpose :)
5 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc Don't waste time if you don't have a logical answer.
5 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah My logical friend you scared to deal with the situation.... We have a PURPOSE for not wasting time on you the purpose is NOT TO WASTE TIME.... if you were logical enough then you have the rights to seek logical answer....
5 hours ago · Like

Shahidabbas Khan If u already know so much,wt u r searching for here........
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah Maybe you are paid to just blabber WITHOUT PURPOSE lines .... and because you don't have to be logical you can say what ever you want but we have to be logical and being logical requires brains and brains is somethnig which develops by utilizing time not wasting time.
4 hours ago · Like

Comparative Religion Shijit Mc
This article is for you !!! Purpose of life in short:

Have you ever thought the purpose of our life?

Why are we here in this earth of this universe?

Well, there will be many different answers from every individual, while many of them don't know anything, and many of them do not think about that. I would like to say there is a purpose of our life. Our existence didn't happen coincidentally. We didn't came here for eat, drink, Mary, have family, enjoy have fun and die. If this is the case how do you justify between poor and rich, healthy and with many diseases, strong and weak, robber/thief and honest and so many condition that human being go through in their life. What is the just for those who have the power, oppressing the weak snatching their rights. I want you to think about yourself look around you. Certainly you can see lot of creation surrounding you, birds, animal, insects, river, sea, tree, wind, fire and many millions of creation around you. This is what we can see, can imagine but what about those we cannot see without telescope or microscope.

Think about the universe, we can see with our bare eyes only three planets out of nine of this universe and may be millions of star. Think about the universe which scientist came to know recently that it was created by a Big Bang from initially earth and heaven were joint together. By a big bang so beautiful universe has been created that it is operating so precisely, perfectly and under sudden rule. They are so organized so perfect in shape and all the planet are moving around the sun within its own course. Do you know that today scientist came to know that every sea's water is unique by its test, salinity, temperature and density? In a place where two seas meet together but the two different water does not mix with each other, there is a barrier in between them. Even a river fall to the sea but the two different water does not mix with other. Who is controlling this? Do you think all these are happening just by chance? Definitely not.

If someone gives you a glass on your hand and asks you to throw it in the floor and make ten small pieces of glass, is it possible? Definitely it is impossible. So the planet of this universe has not created by chance. There is a creator behind it. Whom we call God. If someone want to say like many atheist says there is no God, it is illogical. It is just denying the established fact for their personal lust. If there is a God who has created all of us and whatever in this universe we can see or cannot see, has he made us for no purpose? Why do you eat? Why do you work? Why do you travel? Why do you see a doctor? And why do you do so many things if there is no purpose behind all those of your action. So why God created us? Does not it sound that there is a purpose of every creation.

So it is clear that he (God) made us for some purpose. Like we own a hand phone for our need, but what happen when we fail to pay the bill, the service provider will warn you first then subsequently your service will be terminated. So he (God) gave us life in return he wants something from us. What he want from us? He wants recognition, he wants us to be thankful to him, and he wants us to follow his guidance. That is the real purpose of our life.
4 hours ago via mobile · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah No brother Shahidabbas Khan he seems to be one of those....

If he is asked why do you want to get married? Would it make sense if he says I want to get married without any purpose?

Sit will yourself Shijith Mc and in a calm state of mind, ask yourself if you first know the purpose of knowing the purpose of life.
4 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc I'm not scared, I think you people are defensive in finding different answers,I'm asking just because curiosity and I'm not blind believer.
4 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah We are Defensive? :) I clearly said I will give you logical answers.... but you backed out by finding an escape... so you are defensive :)
4 hours ago · Like

Comparative Religion Shijit
Pls read the article I have just posted.
You can visit the website
4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

UthmanGani Abdullah Islam says bring evidence if you are Truthful so Islam also gives evidences :) Islam is the only religion which is not based on blind following.... If you are not scared why aren't you telling me would you accept Islam if I give you logical and scientific answers?
4 hours ago · Like

Comparative Religion Purpose of life in short:

Have you ever thought the purpose of our life?

Why are we here in this earth of this universe?

Well, there will be many different answers from every individual, while many of them don't know anything, and many of them do not think about that. I would like to say there is a purpose of our life. Our existence didn't happen coincidentally. We didn't came here for eat, drink, Mary, have family, enjoy have fun and die. If this is the case how do you justify between poor and rich, healthy and with many diseases, strong and weak, robber/thief and honest and so many condition that human being go through in their life. What is the just for those who have the power, oppressing the weak snatching their rights. I want you to think about yourself look around you. Certainly you can see lot of creation surrounding you, birds, animal, insects, river, sea, tree, wind, fire and many millions of creation around you. This is what we can see, can imagine but what about those we cannot see without telescope or microscope.

Think about the universe, we can see with our bare eyes only three planets out of nine of this universe and may be millions of star. Think about the universe which scientist came to know recently that it was created by a Big Bang from initially earth and heaven were joint together. By a big bang so beautiful universe has been created that it is operating so precisely, perfectly and under sudden rule. They are so organized so perfect in shape and all the planet are moving around the sun within its own course. Do you know that today scientist came to know that every sea's water is unique by its test, salinity, temperature and density? In a place where two seas meet together but the two different water does not mix with each other, there is a barrier in between them. Even a river fall to the sea but the two different water does not mix with other. Who is controlling this? Do you think all these are happening just by chance? Definitely not.

If someone gives you a glass on your hand and asks you to throw it in the floor and make ten small pieces of glass, is it possible? Definitely it is impossible. So the planet of this universe has not created by chance. There is a creator behind it. Whom we call God. If someone want to say like many atheist says there is no God, it is illogical. It is just denying the established fact for their personal lust. If there is a God who has created all of us and whatever in this universe we can see or cannot see, has he made us for no purpose? Why do you eat? Why do you work? Why do you travel? Why do you see a doctor? And why do you do so many things if there is no purpose behind all those of your action. So why God created us? Does not it sound that there is a purpose of every creation.

So it is clear that he (God) made us for some purpose. Like we own a hand phone for our need, but what happen when we fail to pay the bill, the service provider will warn you first then subsequently your service will be terminated. So he (God) gave us life in return he wants something from us. What he want from us? He wants recognition, he wants us to be thankful to him, and he wants us to follow his guidance. That is the real purpose of our life.
4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

UthmanGani Abdullah If you say yes you will accept Islam then we go ahead with the discussion, if you say illogical lines like "Why should I accept Islam? then its illogical...

Shijith Mc You can neither fool us nor your ownself.... You willingly came to the page of religion.... so you challenge a religion .... Either you win or the religion wins. This is LOGICAL and PURPOSEFUL. Am I right?
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Comparative Religion The most important question in our life is: Why are we here?

Well, why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or woman in the graveyard for, as we are jokingly told, “He who dies with the most toys wins?”

No, there must be more to life than that, so let’s think about this. To begin with, look around you. Unless you live in a cave, you are surrounded by things we humans have made with our own hands. Now, why did we make those things? The answer, of course, is that we make things to perform some specific function for us. In short, we make things to serve us. So by extension, why did God make us, if not to serve Him? If we acknowledge our Creator, and that He created humankind to serve Him, the next question is, “How? How do we serve Him?” No doubt, this question is best answered by the One who made us. If He created us to serve Him, then He expects us to function in a particular manner, if we are to achieve our purpose. But how can we know what that manner is? How can we know what God expects from us?

Well, consider this: God gave us light, by which we can find our way. Even at night, we have the moon for light and the stars for navigation. God gave other animals guidance systems best suited for their conditions and needs. Migrating birds can navigate, even on overcast days, by how light is polarized as it passes through the clouds. Whales migrate by “reading” the Earth’s magnetic fields. Salmon return from the open ocean to spawn at the exact spot of their birth by smell, if that can be imagined. Fish sense distant movements through pressure receptors that line their bodies. Bats and blind river dolphins “see” by sonar. Certain marine organisms (the electric eel being a high-voltage example) generate and “read” magnetic fields, allowing them to “see” in muddy waters, or in the blackness of ocean depths. Insects communicate by pheromones. Plants sense sunlight and grow towards it (phototrophism); their roots sense gravity and grow into the earth (geotrophism). In short, God has gifted every element of His creation with guidance. Can we seriously believe he would not give us guidance on the one most important aspect of our existence, namely our raison d’etre our reason for being? That he would not give us the tools by which to achieve salvation?

So what does the Creator, God, tell us about our purpose in life? God states in the Quran that He created the human to be His trustee on earth. Mankind’s basic trust, our responsibility, is to believe in and worship God:

“And I did not create the jinn and humankind except to worship Me… [Quran 51:56-58]

Very simple! The purpose for man’s creation is to worship the Creator. The Islamic understanding of worship allows the whole of one’s life to be an act of worship, as long as the objective of that life is the pleasure of God, which is achieved by doing good and refraining from evil. A person can turn everyday activities into acts of worship by purifying his or her intention and sincerely seeking God’s pleasure through these activities. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Greeting a person is charity. Acting justly is charity. Helping a man with his steed is charity. A good word is charity. Every step taken on the way to performing prayers is charity. Removing an obstacle from the road is charity. Worship provides the believers with many benefits that contribute to both their spiritual and worldly well-being. The human body needs material resources for its existence, like food, drink, and a means of reproduction. As for the soul, its needs cannot be fulfilled except through nearness to God by means of faith and obedience, which can only be achieved through worship.

God should be worshipped in times of hardship and times of prosperity and only through his remembrance can the human being find inner peace: “We truly know how your heart is distressed by what they say. So celebrate the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves and worship your Lord until the sure hour (of death).” [Quran 15:99]

“Those who have faith and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God- truly it is in the remembrance of God that hearts find peace” [Quran 13:28]

God further states that He made this life in order to test man so that every person may be recompensed after death for what he has earned: “[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving”. [Quran, 67:2] But in order to worship Him, we have to know Him well otherwise we may form a distorted concept of Him and then go astray. In the Quran, God tells humankind what He is and what He is not. For example, in response to a question about God that was posed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), God says: Say (O Muhammad): He is God [Who is] One, God, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent. [Quran, 112]

In Islam God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine and he is the only one worthy of worship.
4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Moulana Abrar O, my Atheist and Non-Muslim brothers and sisters ! Please do not mind. I want to guide you to right path only. So tell me that how did you know in this world that you will not be punished in the life hereafter? Or do you have any natural, neutral and perceptible proofs/signs on truth your religions/beliefs and style lives?
Please do not use any references of any religious books. Because there are many religious books in world, Torah, Bible, Veedas and Holy Quran etc and they have Millions differences among them, while the true religion is only any one near God who created this universe. So discuss only by natural proofs.
4 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah Brother Comparative Religion and other religious brothers.... lets first take the commitment from him.
4 hours ago · Like · 1

UthmanGani Abdullah Shijith Mc - You can neither fool us nor your ownself.... You willingly came to the page of religion.... so you challenge a religion .... Either you win or the religion wins. This is LOGICAL and PURPOSEFUL. If the answer you need should be logical then be logical yourself
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Shijith Mc Cause I don't have to accept Islam nor hate my question was generic I did't ask you to answer according to your religious texts, My culture allows me to worship God in any form. I don't think God has to create people to praise him. Its not about winning or losing, Its just search for logical and satisfactory answer, There is possibility of life in other planets, There was a time on earth where people lived without any religions.
4 hours ago · Like

Nadeem Shaikh Refer here
4 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah You are only blabbering illogical things by saying that there was a time when people lived without religions :)
4 hours ago · Like · 1

UthmanGani Abdullah Did you all see? He is just here without a purpose... just like he wants to be in this world without a purpose...

If he is told to end his life if he finds no purpose he won't end his life because he has a purpose... he loves his life and its luxuries :)
4 hours ago · Like

Moulana Abrar Shijith Mc Do you have any neutral or natural proofs on your sayings? At that time using of sense was a religion.
4 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc That's what religious text's says. If a natural disaster happens believer or non believer will die. I don't see purpose of life is just to praise God, It may be doing some more to this universe.
4 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc UthmanGani Abdullah Can you answer this ? Can we trust our senses... for eg : What humans see as red may be other color for some animals.So how can we decide what we see is true ?
4 hours ago · Like

UthmanGani Abdullah Okay Shjith Shijith Mc if you say and I am quoting your words... "I don't see purpose of life" .... End your life... would you?
4 hours ago · Like

Shijith Mc No..I will try to seek more knowledge, Help others and try to find purpose of life.
4 hours ago · Like

Naima Bint Abdikadir Short nd clear. According 2 islam the main purpose of creation is 2 worship none other than Allah. As the qur'an mentions in chapter 51 verse 56 "And I (Allah) created not jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me Alone".
4 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 3

Abdullah Sarguroh Bro as long as you will try to find the truth with an open heart without any hatred towards anyone, InshaAllah you will be guided..
4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Satyavardhan Tyagi god is in ourself love to all and enjoy thats the life
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Mohammad Tabrez The best solution is see speech dr zakir naik has given in the topic purpose of life in this world ul get brief answer in logic and scientific and has prove from every religious scriptures
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc He is not neutral.
3 hours ago · Like

Ansar Pathan First watch with open heart and not be bias
3 hours ago · Like

Ansar Pathan Quran 67:2---[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving
3 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Shijith Mc Presenter also should be open. There is no need test his own creations. Compared to universe size of earth will be less than a dot "." . May be if some other advanced civilizations are there in other planets may have answer.
3 hours ago · Like

Sadia Aqeel Why we go to school give exam n move to to next class thislife is just like that Allah creat our beloved nabi pak hazrt mohammmd saw first of all then he creat this world sky earth he send his prophet on earth to tell his people about rite n rong in last he sent his last messenger
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Ansar Pathan huh!
3 hours ago · Like

Ansar Pathan He wants to test who is best in his deeds--- That is His will but not urs , right???
3 hours ago · Like

Sadia Aqeel That last messenge has he guide us through his sunnah n quran e pak those people woh follow his teachings in this world r succeeded
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shahidabbas Khan Beter to go to another seek answer..@shijith...
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sadia Aqeel Im talking about the porpose for which allah creat us
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Ansar Pathan There is a hell and heaven which u have not seen yet.

So the one who done good deeds will go to heaven and the other wil go to hell.

So do good deed and enter heaven in next life.
3 hours ago · Like

Sadia Aqeel Why its soo easy for those who wants to under stand
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sadia Aqeel Ansar pathan first under stand the reason of ur creation
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sadia Aqeel People alway talk about reward that is so dump a dog earn a bone in end of the day we talk about the mean how it get it
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Tauseef Abbas purpose of life. Allah says"i have created humen and gin for ibadah. Ibadah doesn,t only mean prayer or making sajda. Infact when a muslim does any thng accordinp to islam, means he/she doing ibadah. The purpose of life is to test and get reward or punishment
3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Rohit Maurya Hello guys . Everyone of you . Happy christmas day but im not one of them . I've saw this discussion ,it just went good . In a way i thought that you both you know the discussion between as long as possible ,yeah both right in ur intellectual knowledge limitation becouse in that you both are god of ur own mind , so as long as u think there is nobody or somebody u always have some sort of xcuses say to overcome in ur imaginary world of thinking . ok i make this in simple as i saw the talk about the purpose of life , if u talk as personal then its simple person to persn changes and if as a whole to mankind then firstof u better off religion , cause in that we get a god which is a creator of every single law , mattee , energy and space everything . that's the simple logic . That's why in our human history scientists are athiests and plse don't give me some 1 or2 name of them yeah some say that there is some unknown power which we don't know about doing something un-natural or something . point is as long as hindu , muslim , christian or else there is no science for u guys cause every un-understandable event you will known by the anather some purpose of god in a miraculous way . Im not saying that not follow any religion just saying that what is reason of following any religion . I think that's not enough for u guys maybe the reason is you just read words not sence in it , i hope u understand or discussion contiues but not have its ends . bye guys
3 hours ago · Like · 1

Sadia Aqeel Allah is great blessing I feel sorrow for those who dont have allah to relay on him in any problem in any matter
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc We have not seen existence of God or don't have any proof of God, If God created this universe he will be so powerful to cure diseases and bring back even dead people.
2 hours ago · Like · 1

Sadia Aqeel Shijit this is called beleive on unseen but feel it in ur nerves allah says he is more close us then our throut pray to allah n depend totally on his unseen powre
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sadia Aqeel He surly cure us his last nabi told us alot of prayer to read n be save
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sadia Aqeel A person who die has finish his chance he reborn in day of jugment n answerable to what he get n what he did
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc All religions pray to the same God thru different ways, There kind of meditation techniques to feel the positive and negative energy around you, Even that does't show existence of God.
2 hours ago · Like

Shahidabbas Khan Sadia ji relax......let shajith
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc What is the use of becoming close to God, Going to hell or heaven, I don't mind going to hell for seeking purpose of life.
2 hours ago · Like

Rohit Maurya Sadia that's not the point you saying just tell me something assume that u are robotic android engineer which is do whatever u want they do and made it as much as u want . Now just tell me why would u made it just becoz u have power to made or u want employees for un-necessary life of living and the anather thing is that will u be happy if they do as u can and pray for u as u want to they to u . if u say yes then u know what god has same naive as u , if no then better go off religion becoz the side which u r talking about u don't know urself . Then first know urself instead of religion . plse reply me
2 hours ago · Like · 2

Rashid Mirr Shijith Mc, Purpose of human of earth is ....that humans should use his own wisdom within the guidance of religious scripture, to recognize God and obey Him.
2 hours ago · Like

Shahidabbas Khan Dear Rohit...........u seem to b an atheist.......when a child grows adult,......he forgets that he was a child sometime....the difference between u and we is the concept of is jus a parallel thinking each justifying its own side.....if Shijith didnt got convincd beter go of the post instead of repeating same ..
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Shijith Mc I'm not convinced let me look into some other groups.
2 hours ago · Like

Shahidabbas Khan I wil help this regard
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Rohit Maurya Well thanks Shahidabbas for taking me in existance let me first tell u that in my comment did i say something like i don't belive in god or im athiest or something like that or else . That's ur misperception counting the words other then sence .
2 hours ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [67:1]

Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion of the Universe, and Who has power over everything; [67:2]

Who created death and life that He might try you as to which of you is better in deed. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving;
2 hours ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [3:185]

Everyone is bound to taste death and you shall receive your full reward on the Day of Resurrection. Then, whoever is spared the Fire and is admitted to Paradise has indeed been successful. The life of this world is merely an illusory enjoyment.
2 hours ago · Like

Rohit Maurya shahidabbas , im not the one but u think atheist have no purpose of living a life on earth or atleast on earth or is that on other planet as well .well not and just coating screpture without our mind is not an answer u better wake up then and i m not repeating i have my mind for using it not to remain un-used that some screpture say better not to just follow me . God doesn't give any religious book to human kind , this is we just made up ourself for our own worth ,what everyone knows that's . I think atheisim is a way of true freedom .
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya Know you what guys u having a blind believe in a religious book cause u don't know the truth behind it . u think how do i cause i m not a blind believer , i believe in somthing which i know the truth behind it . well if just follow some books ........ ohh i see that's why u guy's are try but can't even think about offf the book what life is feels like . Or u know what its like robot having A LIMITED LINE OF CODES . Don't even think outside of it .
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit, what is the purpose of your life? who created you? what you have to do? where you go after death? have you got answers from your free thinking?
about an hour ago · Edited · Like

Shijith Mc Answers to those questions does't have any proof, Other than some comments in religious text's.
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc Answers to those questions does't have any proof, Other than some comments in religious text's.

about a minute ago · Like <<>> do you have better answers with you?
about an hour ago · Like

Shijith Mc No.. Religious text's has.. But that does't mean I have to believe in something else.
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya Yeah why not but does this makes u atheist if yes i will if no then what did u want to know every atheist has its answers ..
about an hour ago · Like

about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit Maurya Yeah why not but does this makes u atheist if yes i will if no then what did u want to know every atheist has its answers ..

a few seconds ago · Like <<>> Tell me your answers..!
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc No.. Religious text's has.. But that does't mean I have to believe in something else.

about a minute ago · Like.. <<>> you agree that you have no aim of life and we religious people do have... !
about an hour ago · Like

about an hour ago · Like

Shijith Mc I have my aim in life with morals took from religious books but not sticking completely to religious books.
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc I have my aim in life with morals took from religious books but not sticking completely to religious books.

a few seconds ago · Like <<>> What benefit you expect with your decision than religious people?
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya my friend, my purpose is find the fact of existance of our own creator and that i want to do . and about afterlife there is no such thing not now . ..
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Shijith Mc I don't expect any benefits just do some good work. why should one spoil life thinking about hell and heaven which we don't even know exists or not.
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya well jamal tell me yours answers if u have
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit Maurya my friend, my purpose is find the fact of existance of our own creator and that i want to do . and about afterlife there is no such thing not now . ..

a few seconds ago · Like <<>> Did you agree that we have a creator before struggling to find the fact of existance of our creator? did you find the fact of our own existance before struggling to find the fact of existance of our creator?
about an hour ago · Like

about an hour ago · Like

Shijith Mc I don't mind as long as i'm doing good things and praying the almighty.
about an hour ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc I don't expect any benefits just do some good work. why should one spoil life thinking about hell and heaven which we don't even know exists or not.

2 minutes ago · Like <<>> on what basis you decided doing some good work. Some think good for you may be bad for others. And if you are wrong and our creator is right (because you dont know) , then your destiny is hell fire..!
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya lol.. jamal did u heard urself what ur saying i think u first understand what u trying to say and i don't get the answers of ur's just tell me
about an hour ago · Like

Sier Evolet Yu

Shijith Mc,try to watch this.
about an hour ago · Like

Rohit Maurya and jamal about creator thing u think in the limit of the religious book not outside of it
about an hour ago · Like

Shijith Mc If its not harming anyone else it good work only, I will be happy to go to hell than creating your own walls of believe.There are thousand of religions out there we don't event know there is a creator or which creator is right.So what's the point in thinking about hell or heaven.
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit Maurya lol.. jamal did u heard urself what ur saying i think u first understand what u trying to say and i don't get the answers of ur's just tell me

2 minutes ago · Like.. <<>> you did not answered my questions well. Please answer properly if you have answers. I am ready to explain all my beliefs and aim of life. Its clearly Islam.
58 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit Maurya and jamal about creator thing u think in the limit of the religious book not outside of it

3 minutes ago · Like <<>> You are outside and struggling for answers Rohit. So what point on your argument?
57 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya just tell me ur answers jamal
56 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc If its not harming anyone else it good work only, I will be happy to go to hell than creating your own walls of believe.There are thousand of religions out there we don't event know there is a creator or which creator is right.So what's the point in thinking about hell or heaven.

4 minutes ago · Like · 1 <<>> you said you will be happy to go to hell. Its not as easy as you write on facebook dear. Just put some oil in a pot and boil it. while oil is boiled sit in the oil and play cards happily. If you still happy to be there, I am sure you will be sad in hell.
52 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman Life on Earth is simply to worship to God :D
51 minutes ago · Like · 2

Shijith Mc Have you been in hell
49 minutes ago · Edited · Like

Sier Evolet Yu Shijith Mc, if you don't thinking hell and heaven, so why you want to go hell, it meant you plan ito go hell and think it. atheist is a stagnant brain damage.
49 minutes ago · Like · 1

Shijith Mc If judgement is not based on your beliefs, Even if you follow the religion there is chance of going to hell.
49 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Maurya just tell me ur answers jamal

4 minutes ago · Like <<>> Sure dear brother. I quoted above about the reason of life and death from Quran 67:1-2. after the life in this world there is an after world also. there the wages of our deeds will be payed. [3:185]

Everyone is bound to taste death and you shall receive your full reward on the Day of Resurrection. Then, whoever is spared the Fire and is admitted to Paradise has indeed been successful. The life of this world is merely an illusory enjoyment.
47 minutes ago · Like

Shijith Mc Sier Evolet Yu blind religious belief is worser.
46 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc Have you been in hekk

3 minutes ago · Like <<>> those disobey the guidence of our creator in the life of this world will enter to hell after world.
46 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman No belief is even worse.
46 minutes ago · Like

Sier Evolet Yu in a complete sentence you have your verb, subject, noun and adjective. but if you think something directly you have your objective
45 minutes ago · Like

Sier Evolet Yu Shijith Mc, so why you ask what is your life purposed, you are blind not the believer.
44 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Abid E Alrahman Life on Earth is simply to worship to God

5 minutes ago · Like · <<>> we worship to earn our destiny. If you are against religion, what you do extra than a muslim?
44 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya plse brother stop quoting screpture just say what u think and what quoting is just a fantacy nothing else .
43 minutes ago · Like

Sier Evolet Yu you are worse , you are like a walking dead, don't know why he is living and his purposed being a human.
41 minutes ago · Edited · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc If judgement is not based on your beliefs, Even if you follow the religion there is chance of going to hell.

5 minutes ago · Like <<>> Allah is looking to your mind and deeds. If you fill it with right belief and right deeds, you will be admited to paradise. Its the creator decide what is good and what is bad to mankind. Because he is the creator and to him we go back and it is he who is paying rewards. Thats why we obey him..
40 minutes ago · Like

Shijith Mc Let it be but I won't live to get some good deeds in return. will continue my karma.
40 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya Well my friends i still get any answers from u jamal
39 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya and plse don't quote screptures
39 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman See.. I can never understand people who says I don't care about good deeds. I just want to live the way I want.

Then why the hell did you even ask in the first place when you already know you will reject rather than accepting?


Sounds like a deluded decision... Anyhow... God exist, he created us for worship.

We are like a bunch of people lost in the desert, God reveals a map, give you the requirement you have to make and then you enter heaven.

If you dislike that, then don't ask for it :D
37 minutes ago · Like · 1

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rohit Maurya plse brother stop quoting screpture just say what u think and what quoting is just a fantacy nothing else .

3 minutes ago · Like <<>> Its the words of your own creator if you belive it or not. So you can not say that, I was unaware of that. you saw the words and you did not belive.
36 minutes ago · Like

Sier Evolet Yu @abid ,I told you they are stagnant, and a walking dead.
34 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya jamal just tell me answers that's all
33 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman If Shijith doubts whether God exist then I have no issue to explain why God exist. But if you don't care about knowing and simply say.... "I don't care about hell or deeds", well, fair enough but don't waste our time asking questions without accepting something in return.

Sier... Lol
32 minutes ago · Like · 1

Shijith Mc How can one decide which religion is best, Everyone claims their religion to be the best.
32 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Maurya Well my friends i still get any answers from u jamal

2 minutes ago · Like..

Rohit Maurya and plse don't quote screptures

2 minutes ago · Like
<<>> If the athiest 'belief' of every thing is made from evolution is right, then after the life human beings will become soil like animals. both the religious and athiests become soil. Its OK. But If the creator made every thing and we have to go back to judgement day, only religiuos people will live happily. And the destiny of the athiests will be in hard punishments at hell.
31 minutes ago · Like

Shijith Mc You will be quoting something said in your religious text's to prove God exists if you have some other answer I'm ready to hear.
30 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil What question you have to get answered, dear Rohit?
30 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Shijith Mc How can one decide which religion is best, Everyone claims their religion to be the best.

6 minutes ago · Like <<>> Islam is not like other religions. Its meaning says that. The word islam stands for peace and submission. And Islam means the peace gained by submitting one's will to his creator.
23 minutes ago · Like

Rohit Maurya lol .... .really lol... i think i get my whole answer which i wanted to hear thanks jamal . and if u ever wake up u better question me about creator thing ..
22 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman Look, it's true everyone says their religion is truth etc. It's quite... Typical :P

But the point is YOU. Don't expect that religion = whatever you desire. No. It's not a cafe where you choose your coffee and sugar. ...See More
21 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Islam is not related to any person like christianity is related to christ and budhism to budha ...etc. If one person is respecting his parents in that case he is a muslim.
21 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil If another helps the poor, in that matter he is a muslim
20 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Sun and moon are muslims sins they are orbitting in their channels as they ordered.
20 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Islam teaches that this universe and everything in that is created by the Creator. He made every thing systematic and reasonable. For every thing there is a reason. every thing is part of the rules and regulations of the universe except the creator. Because he is designer.
16 minutes ago · Like

Shijith Mc Hindu's consider "Whole universe as one family" Vasudeyiva Kudumbam.
16 minutes ago · Like

Shijith Mc Send me some video links about Cosmology in Islam.
15 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman Me?
15 minutes ago · Like

Abid E Alrahman We consider universe as a object that God created for man
14 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Prayer is worship. Its seeking help over the reasons. When every help inside the system fails, then we have only the creator to help us over the system. He have no limitations in his abilities. He do what he wish.
14 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Nothing is like unto him. Only he can hear the prayer. Prayer is not the exposed sound. Its the connection of mind to the creator over the systematic reasons. We know our sound reach around one kilometer when we call loud. after that we have no reason to hear unless we use certain systematic devices like telephone etc.
11 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil But our Creator is out of these limitations. He know every thing sharply. He understand the need of our mind, weather we exposed throuth sound or it only a pray of mind. only he can hear the pray.
9 minutes ago · Like

Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil If we make any creature or being or idol and beliving about it can hear our prayer like GOD, we raise this creature to the level of GOD or disgrades GOD to the level of creature. This is polyethism(shirk). And its the biggest sin.
6 minutes ago · Like

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