Monday, February 1, 2016

Dress code of Muslim women

A little response I made to a meme I keep seeing
Like · Comment · Share · January 21
Bernadette Thevenet C'est l'ombre et la lumière de ... La femme. Quel dommage que des hommes incultes se privent autant du savoir et de la beauté ...See Translation
Hél Baz Et on observera qu'en aucun cas elles sont impudiques ou provocantes.See Translation
Jean Aliga Butch Alano do you know that Nonie Ledesma died this morning in his home call Romy
Corey Ellery What bullshit. This Allah person is full of shit. Hey isn't that a girls name Allah??? Well anyway that's bullshit. Let's all sit down and have a good feed of PORK!!!!!
James Callahan bruh what? its a religious wear, not a fasion
Gilbert Reant il n'y a pas photo! la couleur est bien plus belle, et le noir n'est pas pour moi une bonne couleur pour la liberté.See Translation
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Tio Nugroho Hellooooo.... I'm waiting for yr say<<<>>> Dear brother, if you search you would get more... People will have many problems and disputes between them, even in families.I am not their advocate to argue for them. The First video is about harassing women in public. That doesn't mean Islam support this. If it is real (It look like edited with music!) and complaint registered on the attackers, If caught, they will get effective punishment in such way they will never repeat it. Do you know recently one Saudi prince punished to death for he killed an ordinary man. If one killed another deliberately he will get punishment to death. When the rulers and judges are ready to judge according to Islamic laws, rapidly crimes will get stopped. If you search for crimes against women, you will find in Saudi and other Islamic countries,it is rare. Nowadays even in Islamic countries its increased due to the internet and electronic/ computer technology and easy access to porn sites, crime videos and movies.. etc which inspires the youth negatively. As the time goes even Muslims are running away from Islam and running behind entertainments available in western countries and what ever Islam prohibited like, prostitutes, wine, gambling.. etc. The results will be available for those waiting for that. But still those want salvation, they can learn guidance of our lord and adjust their life according to that.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil For one person to escape from hell fire and get into paradise, there is no tricks or easy ways. Except he accept the guidance of our lord, which is Islam..!
Norrin Radd pfffff
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Isabelle Lrn Elles sont très bellesSee Translation
Penny Parker the women are beautifull and the men are creatures of the most vile lust that the women are not safe anymore ?
Pene Derrick interesting
Brian Sebastien von Li
Tarek FatahFollow
When two Canadians were killed in Ottawa by jihadis, I had hoped Canadians would rally against Islamism, but I never realized their capacity to be lulled into a...
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [23:60]
And those who give what they give (in alms) while their hearts are full of fear that to their Lord they must return, (60) These hasten to good things and they are foremost in (attaining) them. (61) And We do not lay on any soul a burden except to the extent of its ability, and with Us is a book which speaks the truth, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. (62) Nay, their hearts are in overwhelming ignorance with respect to it and they have besides this other deeds which they do. (63) Until when We overtake those who lead easy lives among them with punishment, lo! they cry for succor. (64) Cry not for succor this day; surely you shall not be given help from Us. (65) My communications were indeed recited to you, but you used to turn back on your heels, (66) In arrogance; talking nonsense about the Quran, and left him like one telling fables by night. (67) Is it then that they do not ponder over what is said, or is it that there has come to them that which did not come to their fathers of old? (68) Or is it that they have not recognized their Apostle, so that they deny him? (69) Or do they say: There is madness in him? Nay! he has brought them the truth, and most of them are averse from the truth. (70) And should the truth follow their low desires, surely the heavens and the earth and all those who are therein would have perished. Nay! We have brought to them their reminder, but from their reminder they turn aside. (71) Or is it that you ask them a recompense? But the recompense of your Lord is best, and He is the best of those who provide sustenance. (72) And most surely you invite them to a right way. (73) And most surely those who do not believe in the hereafter are deviating from the way. (74)
Brent Smith Get a brain and think for yourself, pathetic slave
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Brent Smith Get a brain and think for yourself, pathetic slave <<>>Brother, what you got when you thought with your master brain ?
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil This is the command from the lord [24:31]
And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bo...See More
Browse, Search, and Listen to the Holy Quran. With accurate Quran text and Quran translations in…
Brent Smith Quoting scripture how original lol, do you wave your finger around when you do that? Shove that finger up your arse it would be more significant to that vile doomed to fail religion of shit.
Danny Dupont Brent Smith evidence that religion turns people into arseholes
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Brent Smith Quoting scripture how original lol, do you wave your finger around when you do that? Shove that finger up your arse it would be more significant to that vile doomed to fail religion of shit. <<>> Islam returned people from an animal like l...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Its natural the candy with a wrapper is protected from public flies....!
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil And Its natural an open fruit is tasted by every public passed that way..!
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil She is Judge Marilyn Mornington who had very active career as a district judge in the United Kingdom, which is quite a significant position because there are a lot of judges working under her.

She has been specializing in crime against women, violence...See More
Hill-Aina Steffenach Jamal, you say; "Before Islam brought Arab to righteousness they were drunkards and fighters for money and women". Where does half of your population get into this story? Why do women have to take responsibility for men not being able to control themse...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Hill-Aina Steffenach Jamal, you say; "Before Islam brought Arab to righteousness they were drunkards and fighters for money and women". Where does half of your population get into this story? Why do women have to take responsibility for men not being a...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Women are not responsible for what men do and men are not responsible for what women do. Every body have their own responsibilities and rights. Islam is the first religion who give rights to ladies from the property of their parents. [4:7]
Men have a ...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [82:18]
Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is? [82:19]
It is the Day when no one shall have the power to do anything for another, and all command shall be Allah's.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Daniel Ian Essex Hey Asshole..did you read this?...quran 8:12
We shall strike Terror into the hearts of the unbelivers
Therefore, strike off their heads...strike off every fingertip....See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil And when you fight, you strive to kill the enemy during the fight.
However, even during the war, Islam has the highest moral law of war. You don't kill children, women or any one who is not fighting with you. See the page on Human Rights in Islam....See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil For the ignorant, misquotation is a habit they enjoy. Misquoting the Holy Quran is a sin and a shame for the one who commits such an act, as God says in the Quran:
Behold! how they invent a lie against Allah! but that by itself is a manifest sin! [T...See More
The Libiranian Jamal, shut the fuck up. Women are not candy or fruit. You demanding women wear hijab has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with control.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil The Libiranian Jamal, shut the fuck up. Women are not candy or fruit. You demanding women wear hijab has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with control. <<<>>> I am saying, we have a creator. soon our life will end as well as this univ...See More
Wim Kuyken There is not lord at all!
Wash your sickened Brains!
There is only ratio and frienldly behaviour to your friends on this earth!
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Wim Kuyken There is not lord at all!
Wash your sickened Brains!
There is only ratio and frienldly behaviour to your friends on this earth! <<>> brother, identify the real sickness.. You will agree, even one safety pin will not be itself in this world....See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Félix Alvarez so beautiful
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Danny Dupont Those Ninjas on the left .... Wow
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Hill-Aina Steffenach Jamal, you say; "Before Islam brought Arab to righteousness they were drunkards and fighters for money and women". Where does half of your population get into this story? Why do women have to take responsibility for men not being able to control themselfes? Why should not YOU and any other man that can not look at a female without going crazy, lower your sight? Why don't YOU stay inside of the house all day since you have the problem with controlling your lust and thoughts? Any woman can work and provide for her husband - no problem at all! <<>> I said the story from history... . When I said before Islam, It must be explained... ! Because, Islam was not existing any where in the world when prophet Mohammed was assigned as prophet by the Creator of the world. Islam the word means "the peace gained by one's submission of his will to his creator" Who ever submitted to the lord is called a Muslim. who ever associate partners for the creator is called mushrik and who ever denies the Creator is a Kafir. Islam is the same religion taught by the prophets Adam, Noh, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other thousands of prophets send by the lord to different nations and tribes through out the history and finally to the Final messenger Mohammed (Peace be upon all of them).
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Women are not responsible for what men do and men are not responsible for what women do. Every body have their own responsibilities and rights. Islam is the first religion who give rights to ladies from the property of their parents. [4:7]
Men have a share in the heritage left by parents and near relatives, and women have a share in the heritage left by parents and near relatives, whether it be little or much, a share ordained [by Allah].
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [82:18]
Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is? [82:19]
It is the Day when no one shall have the power to do anything for another, and all command shall be Allah's.
Christoff Findley And I said onto him, 26:34 subsection 2-4357 paragraphs 4-7, hasten to thy nay and so as to walk, life surely you shall giveth on foot.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil [26:34]
Pharaoh said to the nobles around him: "Surely this man is a skilled magician
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Daniel Ian Essex Hey Asshole..did you read this?...quran 8:12
We shall strike Terror into the hearts of the unbelivers
Therefore, strike off their heads...strike off every fingertip.
...sounds like something
A muslim would like.<<<<>>>>> Some non-Muslims either through ignorance or Islam-bashing continue taking the verses of the Holy Quran out of context and its history to justify their false propaganda. In order to gain a proper understanding of many verses in the Holy Quran, it is important to understand and know the historic context of the revelations. So many revelations in the Holy Quran came down to provide guidance to Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and the fellow Muslims based on what they were confronting at that time. The verse 8:12 is one such verse which is misinterpreted. The verse and its brief explanation follows:

008.012 Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you:
give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers:
smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

This verse and the verses before and after were revealed about the Battle of Badr, which occurred in Arabia in the early seventh century. A battle in which the pagans of Makkah traveled more than 200 miles to Madinah with an army of about 1000 to destroy Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and fellow Muslims had suffered severe persecutions and torture for 13 years in the city of Makkah. And now that they had fled Makkah and found a sanctuary in the city of Madinah, they were once again threatened. Muslim Army was only about 300 strong. God Almighty gave the order to Muslims to fight to defend their lives and faith. The enemy came to them with the intent to kill Muslims. It was a war to defend themselves and their Faith. It was a war imposed upon Muslims.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil And when you fight, you strive to kill the enemy during the fight.
However, even during the war, Islam has the highest moral law of war. You don't kill children, women or any one who is not fighting with you. See the page on Human Rights in Islam.

You also don't fight, if the enemy wants a peace treaty:

008.061 But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards
peace, and trust in God: for He is One that hears and knows (all things).

God Almighty also says in Chapter 60:

060.008 God forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith
nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God
loves those who are just.

060.009 God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith,
and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from
turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these
circumstances), that do wrong.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil For the ignorant, misquotation is a habit they enjoy. Misquoting the Holy Quran is a sin and a shame for the one who commits such an act, as God says in the Quran:
Behold! how they invent a lie against Allah! but that by itself is a manifest sin! [The Holy Quran,4:50]
And He says:
Who does more wrong than those who invent a lie against Allah? They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied against their Lord! Behold! The curse of Allah is on those who do wrong! [The Holy Quran,11:18]
Imagine if the following Biblical paragraph is used in the same way the above verse is used. Muslims know that Jesus, peace be upon him, like all prophets, came with the message of peace to earth. However, a misquotation may change the whole meaning. Read:
"34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

35 For I have come to turn " 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—“ KJV-Matthew10
Grigoris Gougousis To everyone saying burqa is oppressive
Well do women in western countries feel like shirts and bras are oppressive;
cause last time I checked they are Forced to wear both or at least one of them in public...See More
Maxime Codesal dafuck are you saying?
Verena Sturm You dont have to wear a bra, thats optional.. Depends on how you like to walk around. Nothing wrong with being comfortable.
And shirts.. We can pick whatever we like. Long, short, thick fabrics, silky see-throughs, cropped, mini-dress-like, tops, shoud...See More
John Nikolouzos Μεγάλε κανείς δε σε αναγκάζει να φορέσεις σώβρακο αλλά το κάνεις έτσι κι αλλιώς αλλιώς θα στον σκίσει το τζιν με το φερμουάρ και το χοντροκομμένο ντένιμ ύφασμα. Τα σουτιέν κρατάνε τα βυζιά σε μία θέση ώστε να μη κοπανιούνται πάνω κάτω, γιατί κυρίως πονάνε.See Translation
The Libiranian Are you retarded? Women aren't forced into wearing skirts or bras in America. A woman is literally allowed to wear what she wants as long as she isn't exposing her ass, genitals, and in most cities, her nipples. Try again, moron.
Grigoris Gougousis That s exactly what I m saying
You see as freedom the hidden nipples ? *while men can show theirs in public*...See More
Malini Trickey The problem of the burqa is that it disallows the individual of a public identity. There are plenty of Muslim women who are against the burqa for this reason
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Aaselill Futrell And what is that about not killing women and children. Isis has killed uncountable innocent of both!!! What bullshit about Human Rights in Islam! Horrible people!
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil The Libiranian Jamal, shut the fuck up. Women are not candy or fruit. You demanding women wear hijab has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with control. <<<>>> I am saying, we have a creator. soon our life will end as well as this universe. every thing has an end. And we human being are given life and death to test who is good in deeds...! We are of two kind: believers and non-believers. For the believers the final destination is the Paradise and for non-believers they will enter the hell fire for ever! This is what all the prophets from Adam, ... Noh,... Abraham,... Moses,...Jesus..and Mohammed (Peace Be Upon All of them)taught the world. It s up to you to select which one you want. weather hell or paradise. I can't bear even boiled water. So I am trying to be a Believer..! Women has their responsibilities and rights, and if they accept them, its only for them. Men also have responsibilities and rights. If they accept its for them..! [3:185]
Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).

Tanzil - Quran Navigator | القرآن الكريم
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Aaselill Futrell And what is that about not killing women and children. Isis has killed uncountable innocent of both!!! What bullshit about Human Rights in Islam! Horrible people! <<>> ISIS is not really Islamic! We muslims are against ISIS..! If you know about the brutal killing of innocent people, children, women @their homes bombed by Bush & Blair in Iraq wars, the innocent people killed in Syria, Palestine and other Muslim countries for the economic / religious interests of western countries, you will not be that angry about this. . Not every Muslims are good practicing Muslims. Like you.. The lord ordered the mankind to believe in him and obey his ordains. But many just reject/neglect. many obey up to an extend, and many accept and obey. The obeyed ones can only advice to others to fear the lord and judgement day as I am writing here. some will hear, some will say its a bull shit and some will say more lovely 'stop the fucking shit'. Here what Allah said in Quran is killing any innocent is a big sin same as killing the all humanity ... [5:32]
Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our Messengers with clear proofs, evidences, and signs, even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah by committing the major sins) in the land!.
Christian Müller Correct me if im wrong. But my understanding is that ISIS is actualy obeying Islam while the rest arent. From what I know from the quran, ISIS is doing exactly whats written there. Doesnt the quran state that non-believers shall be killed? Or gays thrown of a rock?
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Christian Müller Correct me if im wrong. But my understanding is that ISIS is actualy obeying Islam while the rest arent. From what I know from the quran, ISIS is doing exactly whats written there. Doesnt the quran state that non-believers shall be kil...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil When we read from verse 1, it states that there was a treaty which the Pagan Arabs broke. Thus, Allah in the Quran says, that he gave them four months. Verse 9:4 states that Allah will punish those who broke the treaty, this verse is only aimed at thos...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Factors of breakers of the treaty ”Will you not fight people who
A) broke their oaths
B) determined to expel the Messenger...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Hari Krishna Cheruvaloor Beware from the people whom says my faith is true and yours is false.. that's all.. God manifested in to people and people made their faith and divided in to believers and non believers... i remember when i was in school we kids discriminated ourselves as super man side and bat man side.. my best friend was on bat man's side and i was superman's .that play made our friendship lead to so called done lol... and years after we used to laugh thinking of that play
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Christian Müller Correct me if im wrong. But my understanding is that ISIS is actualy obeying Islam while the rest arent. From what I know from the quran, ISIS is doing exactly whats written there. Doesnt the quran state that non-believers shall be killed? Or gays thrown of a rock?<<<<<>>>>> This is the verses of Quran always mi s quoted [9:5]
So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful(9:5)<<<< According to critics (especially Christian missionaries), they say, ‘this verse approves the killing of non-Muslims anywhere at any-time.’ We know this is a lie spread by bigots in order to frighten people about Islam. This passage has always been quoted out of context, they never post other verses 9:1-14, for if they did, people would find out that it says opposite of what they have stated. Let’s read from 9:1 – 9:14,

9:1 [This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.
9:2 So travel freely, [O disbelievers], throughout the land [during] four months but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers.
9:3 And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger. So if you repent, that is best for you; but if you turn away – then know that you will not cause failure to Allah . And give tidings to those who disbelieve of a painful punishment.
9:4 Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
9:5 And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
9:6 And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
9:7 How can there be for the polytheists a treaty in the sight of Allah and with His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at al-Masjid al-Haram? So as long as they are upright toward you, be upright toward them. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
9:8 How [can there be a treaty] while, if they gain dominance over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship or covenant of protection? They satisfy you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse [compliance], and most of them are defiantly disobedient.
9:9 They have exchanged the signs of Allah for a small price and averted [people] from His way. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing.
9:10 They do not observe toward a believer any pact of kinship or covenant of protection. And it is they who are the transgressors.
9:11 But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, then they are your brothers in religion; and We detail the verses for a people who know.
9:12 And if they break their oaths after their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed, there are no oaths [sacred] to them; [fight them that] they might cease.
9:13 Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun the attack upon you the first time? Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are [truly] believers.
9:14 Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people. ..
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil When we read from verse 1, it states that there was a treaty which the Pagan Arabs broke. Thus, Allah in the Quran says, that he gave them four months. Verse 9:4 states that Allah will punish those who broke the treaty, this verse is only aimed at those who broke the treaty, it did not affect those who abided by the treaty. When we read the passage (9:5), it is evident, it’s talking about a war with the pagan Arabs and Muslims. This was a historical event that happened in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (p). Furthermore, verse 9:13 provides proof that it was the Pagans who started this war, the verse states, “Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun to attack you first?” This is proof that Prophet Muhammad (p) did not start this war, but it was those treacherous Pagan Arabs that started to expel and started fighting the Messenger.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Factors of breakers of the treaty ”Will you not fight people who
A) broke their oaths
B) determined to expel the Messenger
C) attacked you first
Do you fear them? But God has more right that you should fear him, if you are believers Surah 9:13

As it is shown, in that context, those pagans who violated their treaties and attacked the Muslims first, basically, the Muslims were allowed to fight back in self-defence. Why is it that Islamophobes never show 9:6? Let’s read:

9:6 And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.

The verse shows that if any of the pagans who broke the treaty and wanted protection, that they be granted protection and deliver him to his ‘place of safety’. This shows even when the pagan Arabs who broke the treaty and when they attacked the Muslims first, the Muslims were commanded by Allah to make peace if they asked. Hence, it’s evident reading the verses in its context that this was a war of self-defence against those pagan Arabs who broke the treaty and attacked the Muslims.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Brent Smith Ahhh yes that looks amazing! God must have done it...what a great argument lol <<>> Unbelievers will keep on amazig.. thats all. They will agree atleast a safety pin will not be itself in this world. They even agree 'evolution' is more than a perfect designer like god. But only thing they don't want to agree is the belief in god and his guidance. sympathy on you brother!
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Tio Nugroho I mean u related niqab with women's protection where in reality full covered women is not even safe of harrasments. And the video prove it very clear and u keep telling something else<<<<<>>>> Its not her problem / or that women's problem, when bad guys attack her, in front of lord, if she wear dress in a way not provoking any men and her mind and deeds are clear. It's the fault of the (Government body) judiciary and security system (police), this is happening and the bad guys not punished enough! What I understand is, it is rare in Islamic countries to happen violence against women than in countries were women dressed liberal what ever they want.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil In 2009 in Canada, women self-reported 472,000 sexual assaults, according to Statistics Canada.
Between 1999 and 2004 there has been no reduction in rates of sexual assault in Canada.
Girls and young women between the ages of 15-24 are the most likelyvictims.
Women are fearful. More than one in four (27%) of women worried about their safety when they were home alone at night (compared with 12% of men). Women were nearly three times more likely than men to be afraid when walking alone after dark. Over half (58%) of women who used transit at night worried about their use (compared with 29% of men).
Victims of sexual assault often suffer in silence, without support. As a result, there is a particular need to have services that are available, accessible, and safe for victims of sexual assault.
Only 8% of sexual assaults are reported to police. While the rates of sexual assaults have not dropped, reports to police have decreased by 36% between 1993 and 2002. Sexual assaults are much less likely to be reported to police than other crimes including physical assaults and robberies. While sexual attacks are more likely than unwanted sexual touching to be reported to police, the vast majority of both types of assaults go unreported (in 1999, 69% and 81%, respectively).
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil I live in Qatar. even many youth adopted western culture, still in Qatar any women can walk in the beach, or street alone fearless.. no body will touch or abuse her....!
Gun Marianne Birgitta Uddèn Stackars kvinnor i detta korta liv.See Translation
Kam Wing Tsui so beautiful~
Emadas Hrwcha Like a girl nudity and veiled or covered with such goods there variation in the price of everything he Mgueta an expensive
Toristiawan Wahyo The picture is correct, right side is traditional dress, every nation has different one. And every women with different religion in the country may and can wear it. The left side is a muslimah dress.. Not a traditional dress... Hijab we call it.. different in every nation but the goal is the same to cover women body properly because muslimah is instructed to do so.
UnlikeReply112 hours ago
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Ora Aurora We still live in a world where woman are looked upon as "lesser", where woman don't get "self-defense" classes, and where men don't want to communicate wiht woman, because they FEAR that if the woman become smarter, they won't have a chance to get a woman annymore, that is the real truth, men FEAR they can't get a lady, so they just rape them instead, or if they don't want to rape them, they set in a culture that makes woman total objects, like forcing them to wear a veil. <<>> Sister, what you said is totally wrong.! It's duty of any Muslim to protect any men or lady of any religion if any of them attacked, when they live together in a society. And believed men and women are friends and mutual helpers each other. Only sexual relation and every thing leads to sexual relation with out wedding is prohibited. see that in Qur'an : [9:71]
And (as for) the believing men and the believing women, they are guardians of each other; they enjoin good and forbid evil and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Apostle; (as for) these, Allah will show mercy to them; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. [9:72]
Allah has promised to the believing men and the believing women gardens, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and goodly dwellings in gardens of perpetual abode; and best of all is Allah's goodly pleasure; that is the grand achievement.
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Emadas Hrwcha Like a girl nudity and veiled or covered with such goods there variation in the price of everything he Mgueta an expensive <<>> expensive items we keep safe. And cheap items we keep open and careless. The prophet said believed women is the best thing in this world that a man can achieve. So we believers in Islam, love and respect women and keep them safely guarded.
Ulrike McCullough Sorry, but women shouldnt be locked away like a good or something you a man can own. Instead men should be educated and tought to behave. That goes for all over the world .
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Ulrike McCullough Sorry, but women shouldnt be locked away like a good or something you a man can own. Instead men should be educated and tought to behave. That goes for all over the world .
Like · Reply · 11 minutes ago · Edited<<>>> No, we never cons...See More
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Rashmi Pandey India is not a Muslim country. There are Muslims living in India but they are a minority. The traditional dress shown for India is actually that of a Hindu bride. The traditional clothing shown for Pakistan is actually worn in India (by followers of all religions), Pakistan, Afghanistan and some parts of Central Asia. Notice the colors of these beautiful attires! Simply stunning!<<<>>>> Islam is the guidance from creator - the religion of the submission - what ever the God orders, the believers accept, since life is a test from the creator to test who best in deeds. [67:1]
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the kingdom, and He has power over all things, [67:2]
Who created death and life that He may try you-- which of you is best in deeds; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving, >>> Who ever submits his/her will to the ordains of God, he/she is a Muslim. The creator's guidance is not for only Muslims, but for all the mankind. If Allah ordered to people, you can do what ever you want; smile emoticon then where is the test. Allah only ordered to believing men and women to lower their eyes and show only their beauty to their spouses and close relatives to keep a clean life. Who ever reject the orders of their lord and make their own religion/way of life are Kafir (non-believers). To them there is no compulsion, except a warning that they will be the fuel in the hell fire in the here after. [3:185]
Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities.
LikeReply2 hours agoEdited
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Ulrike McCullough Sorry, but women shouldnt be locked away like a good or something you a man can own. Instead men should be educated and tought to behave. That goes for all over the world .
Like · Reply · 11 minutes ago · Edited<<>>> No, we never consider them as goods. These are only baseless blames. There may be some men they dis-behave to women, in every society. The Prophet Muhammad (Sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said:

1. "The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe." [Muslim]

2. "The best of people are those with the most excellent character." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]

3. "The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind." [Dâraqutni, Hasan]

4. "The best of people are those who are best in fulfilling [rights]." [Ibn Mâjah, Sahîh] wearing islamic cloth will not stop women from any part of daily life. It guards and identifies them as a believed women and not available for sexual relations and she her self not provoking men for any kind of illegal relationships. Men also asked by Islam to follow ordains to them. These are to keep the society healthy and clean from all desputes and success in the here after life. See Muslim women dressed with burqa and riding on flight >>

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