Monday, April 3, 2017

ദുബൈ യിൽ പണിത ആദ്യത്തെ ക്ഷേത്രത്തിൻറെ ഉദ്ഘാടനം

ദുബൈ യിൽ പണിത ആദ്യത്തെ ക്ഷേത്രത്തിൻറെ ഉദ്ഘാടനം ഷെയ്ക്ക് തന്നെ പുഷ്പാർചനനടത്തി ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്യുന്നു. ഷെയ്ക്കിൻറെഭാര്യ രാമായണം തലയിൽ ചുമന്ന് ക്ഷേത്രത്തിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ട് വരുന്നു.
എന്നിട്ടും , മുസ്ലീങ്ങള്‍ ഭൂരിപക്ഷമായാല്‍ ഹിന്ദുവിനേ ആക്രമിക്കും എന്ന് സംഘികള്‍ ഇന്ത്യയില്‍ വോട്ടിനു വേണ്ടി പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു...! 🤔👆


Jaya Prakash ആക്രമണം ഇസ്ലാമിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാന സ്വഭാവമാണ് , പട്ടിയുടെ കടി പോലെ
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Anshad Bangalor ഈ പട്ടികളെപോലെയാണോ😊
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Anand Bkrishnan yes, like them
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Anand Santhosh Wow... great message if true.... I wish such wise and thoughtful UAE leaders could represent the Muslims in the world in place of hardcore puritans ...
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Jithin Gireesh ഇത് നിങ്ങള്‍ സൗദി യില്‍ നിന്ന് ഒന്ന് ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കിക്കേ ..ചുമന്ന തലയും കാണില്ല ..രാമായണോം കാണില്ല ...
LikeReply82 hrs
Irshu Bin Mossa 👆ഇവരക്കെ ഏതങ്കിലും ഒരു 👆കാലത്ത് നമ്മുടെ ഭരണക്കൂടം ശിക്ഷിക്കുമോ.?
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Govind UP minority rights ulla oru muslim bhooripaksha rashtram paryan patto thangalkku?
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil ഏതായാലും പടച്ചവന് കീഴ്പെട്ടു ഒരു മുസ്ലിമായി സ്വർഗത്തിലേക്ക് എത്താനുള്ള അവസരം നഷ്ടപ്പെടുത്തിക്കൊണ്ടു കുറെ പേരെ അന്ധവിശ്വാസത്തിലും ബഹുദൈവ ആരാധനയിലും തളച്ചിട്ടു നരകത്തിലെ വിറക് ആക്കാനല്ലാതെ ഇത് കൊണ്ട് ഒരാൾക്കും ഒരു ഉപകാരവുമില്ല.
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Anand Santhosh which is your model country bro ?
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Anand Santhosh So there is not a single muslim role model you can choose today
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh So there is not a single muslim role model you can choose today
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Anand Santhosh is it not strange, and need serious thinking that such a role model is not able to deliver a single human in our times, who can be atleast told as role model ? Is this not the biggest evidence that the muslims issue starts from the role model you just highlighted?
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh is it not strange, and need serious thinking that such a role model is not able to deliver a single human in our times, who can be atleast told as role model ? Is this not the biggest evidence that the muslims issue starts from the role model you just highlighted?
Like · Reply · a few seconds ago <<>> NO. We are not supposed to show our deeds to others and we need not put camera on others watching all his deeds to find if he is role model. We have to change ourselves according to the direction of our creator. It is not the duty of others to make us good. Its our duty... And one will not be responsible of the deeds done by others.. And There might be alot of good people.. but they will not expose their good deeds to others. I know many people they are good in their public life. If they are good in their personal life and their mind is clean with right belief and purity, then we can say that they are role models. But we have no way to verify that. Thats why our creator send a Messenger to be our role model..
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Anand Santhosh That's the best way to wash one hands from accepting responsibilities... if a religion cannot create humans that are noteworthy and useful for this universe, instead are outlandishly visible perpetuators of death cult, then there is serious issue with that teaching... sad part is even a ardent follower like you don't have even a single leader to show even for namesake and only excuse is good deeds are private, and disowning the violent followers conveniently.. sad !!
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh That's the best way to wash one hands from accepting responsibilities... if a religion cannot create humans that are noteworthy and useful for this universe, instead are perpetuators of death cult, then there is serious issue with that teaching... sad part is even a ardent follower like you don't have even a single leader to show even for namesake and only excuse is good deeds are private !!
Like · Reply · a few seconds ago <<>>Many things you said is right brother.. but not all. I know many pious people. But why should I show him as a role model to you when I am not aware about his personal, secret life. And I have prophet Mohammed's life recorded before us and Your creator selected him as your role Model. If you don't want to accept that, why I should worry about another role model. You and me are equally responsible to submit our will to our lord. I do that to some extend.. And you are looking for something else. While you are not being a role model and while writing against, you are blaming others for not being... 
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Anand Santhosh fair enough, your decency in replying wants me to leave with same respect  ... only sad pasrt is sensible people like you cannot accept the act of UAE rulers 
UnlikeReply158 mins
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh fair enough, your decency in replying wants me to leave with same respect  ... only sad pasrt is sensible people like you cannot accept the act of UAE rulers 
Like · Reply · Just now <<>> If you believe with best knowledge that Mu
slims in big mistake and with their each step they are approaching hell fire; then If you hide that truth and smile to them and arrange a Luxury car to them to reach hell fire as the earliest... How you accept that. Muslims are those people who knows about the guidance of our lord with the final revelation along with the last prophet and Holy Book. Its very clearly stated that who ever sets partners to our lord finally reach in hell fire.! Hiding that to those who don't know that and smiling to them is a cruel act..! I believe [5:72]
Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are no helpers.

Browse, Search, and Listen to the Holy Quran. With accurate Quran text and Quran translations in various languages.
Anand Santhosh sorry sir, unfortunately puritan ideas of people like you are the foundation upon which terror outfits build, recruit and prosper. you may see only the theological aspect and interpret it with greater jihadh of soul, but sadly there are equal majority among pious muslims who interpret it into sanction for armed combat (their version to please allah and reach heaven). this is what unfolds in front of us as alqaeda, bokoharems, ISIS etc... as usual you disown them easily but the truth of the matter is they exist deriving inspiration from same quran and hadees you also hold !!
LikeReply240 minsEdited
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh sorry sir, unfortunately puritan ideas of people like you are the foundation upon which terror outfits build, recruit and prosper. you may see only the theological aspect and interpret it with greater jihadh of soul, but sadly there are equal majority among pious muslims who interpret it into sanction for armed combat (their version to please allah and reach heaven). this is what unfolds in front of us as alqaeda, bokoharems, ISIS etc... as usual you disown them easily but the truth of the matter is they exist deriving inspiration from same quran and hadees you also hold !! <<>> It is usual that people understand things in wrong ways. And even priests used words from holy book mis interpreted for their own interests. Time to time they wrote their ideas and told people these are orders of our lord to earn wealth and power. I think you have mis understood at least some words of our lord from Quran. Criticizers frequently used to quote some lines revealed in circumstances of war to show Islam is religion of war. Actually A ruler is responsible to protect the people against the threats to the nation . For that Islam allowed to participate in War... [2:190] 
And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits. And the commands from Allah is very justice. <<<< And see how Allah ordered about those who don't know Islam... [9:6]
And if anyone of the Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) seeks your protection then grant him protection, so that he may hear the Word of Allah (the Quran), and then escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men who know not.

Browse, Search, and Listen to the Holy Quran. With accurate Quran text and Quran…
Anand Santhosh // I think you have mis understood at least some words of our lord from Quran. // - no sir, I didnt misunderstand as I never went to war shouting Allahu Akbar. However 'probably' there are millions of muslims who have misunderstood (as per your argument ) and have taken up jihadh . fair enough, and I would give the benefit of doubt to good Muslims like you. If so, then my key question here is if they are doing so (misunderstanding quran, and waging war today sullying Allah's and Mohammed's name), does not that amount to blasphemy?
LikeReply18 mins
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Jihad is a word mis understood. If one has saved a hindu girl from a rapist, it is a jihad. If one give food to those dont have food, its a jihad. Now I am writing against the ignorance about Islam.. It is Jihad also. If one has protected his parents, He has done great Jihad. Jihad means strive for good deeds. Its a fight against his own selfish thoughts. The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".
In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: "This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad," which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment.
In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of "just war" is very important.
The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.
Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims' defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.
LikeReply17 mins
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Jihad is not a violent concept.
Jihad is not a declaration of war against other religions. It is worth noting that the Koran specifically refers to Jews and Christians as "people of the book" who should be protected and respected. All three faiths worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and is used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslims.
Military action in the name of Islam has not been common in the history of Islam. Scholars says most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam.
Warfare in the name of God is not unique to Islam. Other faiths throughout the world have waged wars with religious justifications
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Anand Santhosh You are right on the meaning of Jihadh, and I know about the greater Jihadh concept and I have mentioned it in an earlier comment above. I am perfectly alright with that and am highly appreciative of those muslims who live on that ideals probably gentlemen like you.. But again, let me make myself clear... my issue is not about the term "jihadh' but only about the violent manifestation of ardent followers of Islam deriving reason for violence from the same Quran and Hadees .. ... so again my question is is that (violence in name of Islam) not Blasphemy according to you?
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh // I think you have mis understood at least some words of our lord from Quran. // - no sir, I didnt misunderstand as I never went to war shouting Allahu Akbar. However 'probably' there are millions of muslims who have misunderstood (as per your argument ) and have taken up jihadh . fair enough, and I would give the benefit of doubt to good Muslims like you. If so, then my key question here is if they are doing so (misunderstanding quran, and waging war today sullying Allah's and Mohammed's name), does not that amount to blasphemy?
Like · Reply · 1 min <<<>>> I believe Terror group like ISIS is made to destroy Islam.. Or to defend against Islam from wide acceptance.. To show other people Islam is not fair.

Anand Santhosh //I believe Terror group like ISIS is made to destroy Islam.. Or to defend against Islam from wide acceptance.. To show other people Islam is not fair.// - probably true.. So will you consider groups like ISIS, Alqaeda, boko harem are apostates ?
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Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh //I believe Terror group like ISIS is made to destroy Islam.. Or to defend against Islam from wide acceptance.. To show other people Islam is not fair.// - probably true.. So will you consider groups like ISIS, Alqaeda, boko harem are apostates ?
Like · Reply · Just now <<>> I believe they are enemies of Islam as a whole. There might require clear evidences , verification and precise examination before saying anything. . Boko Haram are believed to be a group of criminals. And about Al Qaeda... I dont know well about them.. what is their aim and for what they are fighting.. Fighting for the poor people and invasion to the country is believed as Jihad. The media of the Invaders doesn't allow to understand the truth. So I cant say clearly what is happening..

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Irshu Bin Mossa U P യിൽ പള്ളിക്ക് അകത്ത് കയറി മഗ് രിബ് ഇഷാ നിസ്ക്കാരങ്ങൾ തടസ്സപ്പെടുത്തി RSS കാർ അഴിഞ്ഞാടുന്നു (കുറച്ചു മുമ്പുള്ള വീഡിയോ 📷ആണ് )
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Irshu Bin Mossa
Nadheer Ettukandi feeling ഫാഷിസത്തോട് കലാപം പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കുന്നു.
U P യിൽ പള്ളിക്ക് അകത്ത് കയറി മഗ് രിബ് ഇഷാ നിസ്ക്കാരങ്ങൾ തടസ്സപ്പെടുത്തി RSS കാർ അഴിഞ്ഞാടുന്നു (കുറച്ചു മുമ്പുള്ള വീഡിയോ 📷ആണ് )
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Nishad Moideen Annamanada ഷെയ്ക്ക് ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്യുന്നു ! ഷെയ്ക്കിന്റെ ഭാര്യ ചുമന്നു കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നു !   
ഏതു ഷെയ്ഖ് ? ഏതു ഭാര്യ ?   
എന്നാ തള്ളാ ഇഷ്ട്ടാ ........   
...See More
LikeReply37 mins
Nishad Moideen Annamanada അതുപോലെ ഈ കാലിൽ വീഴുന്ന പരിപാടി ഇവിടെ നടക്കൂലാ ...... അറബികൾ തലക്കടിക്കും!   
LikeReply35 mins
Prabeesh Chambeth Dude this is an event held in Emirates palace hotel. And that is of one of the ministers in the abudhabi council..... and that is not his wife for sure 😂
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Oral Aro ഇത് അസാറം ബാപ്പുന്‍റെ സംഭവം അല്ലെ ?

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Anand Santhosh .....its amply evident that they are causing great damage to your faith. But I can still understand why you are shying away from calling their "acts" and "them" as (1) blasphemy (2) apostates respectively... this is puzzling me honestly sir..
LikeReply16 mins
Jamal Moidutty Thandantharayil Anand Santhosh .....its amply evident that they are causing great damage to your faith. But I can still understand why you are shying away from calling their "acts" and "them" as (1) blasphemy (2) apostates respectively... this is puzzling me honestly sir..
Like · Reply · Just now <<>> I my self condemned many times as I could. If you go back one year back in my wall, you will find I did so(don't try - I share many posts daily..  ). But as an ordinary man I don't have much do with it. Since you are a gentleman with a lot of social knowledge and honest and patient heart, you were ready to hear from my side also. But most people not. There are alot of factors for that. Now a days people have plenty of enjoyments in life and a lot of facilities to achieve. They dont have time for any thing.. And Islam is against making life just an enjoyment. It says Life is a examination and reward in the hereafter. People dont have time to listen these words and they think it will be a head ache if, Islam grow up. So everybody are trying to suppress Islam. Except those who are able to think about the universe, life death and its existence. Those who could find the creator behind it could pray to him and in turn he will guide them to the right way. Others who want only enjoyment would say .. its just one of blind beliefs.. [3:185] 
Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).
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